About Us
We are Máté Kuslits and Soma Kozák the founders and CEOs of Potato Head Media since 2021. We are best friends since high school, we grew up together and that long ass story had a huge impact on our working moral.
We are completely involved with the local and global visual trends, pop culture, cinema and constantly seeking for new artists to create a unique product for every client that we have. We are dedicated for creating the highest quality films possible. We believe in telling powerful stories that move and inspire people, but of course we give some space for humor and a touch of sarcasm too.
We are passionate about filmmaking and committed to making films that matter. You can can get full service even on technology’s or creativity’s side. You can hit us up at any stages of your project from managing the shooting to every pre or post-production tasks. Of course these jobs get done by the best skilled crew that we provide.
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